Introduction to the scientists’ film
The science channel, Channel 8, produced a program on science, and who did they present? The biggest name scientists in Israel in genetics, physics and…
The significance of God
What is God’s significance relative to the nations in general?
What is God’s significance relative to the individual?
Is there any difference in significance between one nation…
Why does God Exist?
Do we as created beings gain value from God existing? What does “God exists” mean?
For what purpose did God create us and sustain us? Is there…
Proof that the Bible is true
The entire world is aware of the Bible, which contains 24 books. The Jewish people, who have wandered in exile for centuries among the…
What is God’s purpose when allowing suffering?
As humans we find it very difficult to see someone else in the world suffering too much. Organizations are established to ensure animals…
Where is God during harsh times?
In general the world experiences crises in all kinds of life areas, whether health, finances, and so on. The Bible notes that the whole…